Part two: serverless real-time ReactJS app — AWS IoT MQTT

Let’s learn how to leverage the Serverless Framework to automate an AWS backend🔥

Serverless Guru
8 min readJun 17, 2019

This article is part of a series:

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In part one, we covered how to hook up AWS IoT MQTT with a ReactJS frontend. Giving our ReactJS application real-time communication where every device will instantly* be updated when a new message is published to our MQTT topic.

In part two, we will be extending the application to include the Serverless Framework and do the following:

  • Create a basic Serverless Framework project
  • Dive into best practices with Serverless Framework
  • Add AWS resources
  • Deploy to AWS
  • Test the deployed AWS backend

Let’s get into it!

Create a basic Serverless Framework project

If you’re not familiar with the Serverless Framework and/or do not have an AWS account set up already. Please go through our…



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